
  • 飞熊加速器


    Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak and the identification of the pandemic virus, laboratories around the world are generating viral genome sequence data with unprecedented speed, enabling real-time progress in the understanding of the new disease and in the research and development of candidate medical countermeasures. Sequence data are essential to design and evaluate diagnostic tests, to track and trace the ongoing outbreak, and to identify potential intervention options. 比较好的ssr服务器.

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  • 飞熊加速器

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    Virus surveillance in animals is an important aspect of pandemic preparedness to know what is out there and could cause zoonotic infections (jumps from animals to humans) or even present pandemic threats. Researchers have concluded a surveillance study in pigs and identified a new reassortant H1N1 swine flu that shows the minimal characteristics for a virus with pandemic potential.

    Reassortment of viruses at the animal-human interface continues to be a serious problem. The G4 virus is one of several swine viruses with zoonotic potential in the world that should be watched closely.

    Here are some important facts to consider: 

  • 飞熊加速器

    Clade and lineage nomenclature aids in genomic epidemiology studies of active hCoV-19 viruses

    Due to the naturally expanding genetic diversity of hCoV-19 viruses, GISAID introduced a nomenclature system for major clades, based on marker mutations within 6 high-level phylogenetic groupings from the early split of S and L, to the further evolution of L into V and G and later of G into GH and GR.

    GISAID clades were subsequently augmented with more detailed lineages assigned by the Phylogenetic Assignment of Named Global Outbreak LINeages (PANGOLIN) tool, and a third effort using a Year-Letter nomenclature to facilitate discussion of large-scale diversity patterns of hCoV-19, to aid in the understanding of patterns and determinants of the global spread of the pandemic strain causing COVID-19.  > read more

  • 飞熊加速器



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    GISAID comments on that paper, highlighting the current issues around sharing of seasonal influenza viruses, the consequences of delays in virus sharing, and the connection to the discussion at the Convention on Biological Diversity.

    > read GISAID's Comments on the Report

  • 飞熊加速器

    CBD Study finds 'GISAID might provide useful lessons and insight to ABS discussions'

    A peer-reviewed fact-finding and scoping study on digital sequence information on genetic resources in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol, highlights key advantages of GISAID’s sharing mechanism and a fair and equitable benefit-sharing resulting from access to data.

    With the core principals of timely international sharing of health data for protecting populations against lethal infectious disease outbreaks and adherence to scientific etiquette of acknowledgement of the source of data has resulted in global trust and confidence in GISAID. 

    > download the fact-finding & scoping study

  • 飞熊加速器


    G20 Health Ministers recognize the importance of GISAID in regard to virus data sharing

    At the invitation of Germany, the first meeting of Health Ministers of the Group of Twenty leading industrialized and emerging economies (G20) took place in Berlin between 19-20 May 2017.

    Under the banner of “Together Today for a Healthy Tomorrow – Joint Commitment for Shaping Global Health”, the two-day meeting focused on combating global health hazards. In their Berlin Declaration, the G20 Health Ministers recognize the importance of the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID).

    > read more
    > The Berlin Declaration of the G20 Health Ministers (2017)


Shirleen Soh
Genome Institute of Singapore A*STAR

Christophe Malabat
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Aengus Stewart
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Sheila Ons
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires

Thomas Bigot
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Daniel See Rui En
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Deborah Schneider-Luftman
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Kirsten Roomp
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro

Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Pablo Soro Barrio
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Natalia Pietrosemoli
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Suma Tiruvayipati
Genome Institute of Singapore A*Star

Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires

The Francis Crick Institute, London

Mariana Viegas
National Council of Scientific & Technical Research, Buenos Aires

Claudia Chica
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

University of Edinburgh, MRC Human Genetics Unit

Amandine Perrin
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Jose Manuel Latorre
National Council of Scientific & Technical Research, Buenos Aires

Hervé Ménager
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Stephanie Goya
Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez, Buenos Aires

Gael Millot
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Gavin Kelly
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Gabriel Lihue Rojo
Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez, Buenos Aires

Olov Svartström
Public Health Agency of Sweden

Pasteur Institute, Paris

Fernanda Sirota
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Emna Achouri
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

National Council of Scientific & Technical Research, Buenos Aires

Damien Mornico
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Yi Hong Chew
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Corinne Maufrais
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Probir Chakravarty
The Francis Crick Institute, London

CNGb Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen

Amine Ghozlane
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Yu Xing Teo
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Sarasvathi Easwvaran
Adelaide, Australia

Quentin Giai Gianetto
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Lina Wang
CNGb Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen

Amaury Vaysse
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Shirleen Soh
Genome Institute of Singapore A*STAR

CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

The Francis Crick Institute, London

Sheila Ons
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires

Thomas Bigot
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Daniel See Rui En
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Deborah Schneider-Luftman
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Kirsten Roomp
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Paola Cristina Resende Silva
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro

Shilpa Yadahalli
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

The Francis Crick Institute, London

Natalia Pietrosemoli
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Suma Tiruvayipati
Genome Institute of Singapore A*Star

Marcos Sterkel
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires

Richard Mitter
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Mariana Viegas
National Council of Scientific & Technical Research, Buenos Aires

Claudia Chica
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Kathryn A. Jackson-Jones
University of Edinburgh, MRC Human Genetics Unit

Amandine Perrin
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Raphael Lee Tze Chuen
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Jose Manuel Latorre
National Council of Scientific & Technical Research, Buenos Aires

CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Stephanie Goya
Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez, Buenos Aires

Gael Millot
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Gavin Kelly
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Gabriel Lihue Rojo
Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez, Buenos Aires

Public Health Agency of Sweden

Emmanuelle Permal
Pasteur Institute, Paris

Fernanda Sirota
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Lucila Traverso
National Council of Scientific & Technical Research, Buenos Aires

Damien Mornico
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Yi Hong Chew
Bioinformatics Institute Singapore A*Star

Corinne Maufrais
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Probir Chakravarty
The Francis Crick Institute, London

Xiaofeng Wei
CNGb Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen

Amine Ghozlane
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Sarasvathi Easwvaran
Adelaide, Australia

Quentin Giai Gianetto
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Lina Wang
CNGb Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen

Amaury Vaysse
CNRS & Institut Pasteur, Paris

Recent hCoV-19 data submissions




hCoV-19/Saudi Arabia/KFSHRC50/2023



Number of hCoV-19 genomic sequences:  76,640


The GISAID Initiative, originally known as a Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data, involves public-private-partnerships between the Initiative's administrative arm Freunde of GISAID e.V., a registered non-profit association, and governments of the Federal Republic of Germany, the official host of the GISAID platform, Singapore and the United States of America, with support from private and corporate philanthropy. 


  • Congratulations to GISAID for ten years of successful work on pandemic influenza preparedness. As one of the key players in ensuring effective data sharing GISAID has made a significant contribution to global health security

    Prof. Jane Halton AO PSM
    Chair, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations CEPI

  • Commemorating the centenary of the 1918 pandemic, the most catastrophic event in the recorded history of influenza, it is reassuring to know that GISAID is ready and prepared when a similar event emerges and threatens global health. Congratulations on bringing together one of the most successful global collaborations ever achieved

    Prof. Dr Rob Webster
    St Jude Children’s Research
    Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee

  • The unique contribution of the GISAID data sharing mechanism is the confidence it has engendered among scientific and political communities as it has added to their capabilities to collaborate more effectively to combat influenza viruses

    Dr med David Nabarro
    United Nations System Coordinat.
    for Avian & Human Influenza (ret)

  • We do need substantially innovative mechanisms for microbe sharing, if mankind is to survive future pandemics. GISAID is an excellent example!!!

    Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
    International Health Policy Program Foundation

  • IFPMA acknowledges GISAID’s important role in providing the platform for the open and timely sharing of influenza data and building greater trust among countries and stakeholders, a key element to influenza global pandemic preparedness

    Director General
    International Federation of Pharma
    Manufacturers & Associations

  • The tenth anniversary of GISAID represents a landmark in global solidarity. A pandemic strain of influenza is perhaps the world's greatest threat. Everything GISAID stands for: virus sharing, cutting-edge research, open access, and international cooperation to guarantee health security couldn't be more important

    Prof. Lawrence O. Gostin
    WHO Collaborating Center on 
    National and Global Health Law
    Georgetown University

  • GISAID’s trustworthy data sharing principles forever transformed global collaboration in the fight against influenza, enabling unprecedented rapid response to outbreaks. In 2013, Nature called China’s sharing of H7N9 avian influenza data through GISAID ‘next to exemplary’

    Prof. Dr George Fu Gao
    Director General
    Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  • The core principles enshrined in GISAID's sharing mechanism are a shining beacon of hope. A recognized leader in influenza pandemic preparedness, thanks to its brilliant performance in data sharing

    Ambassador Makarim Wibisono
    Republic of Indonesia (ret)
    Professor, Universitas Airlangga

  • A key to protecting the world from future viral threats is having immediate and open access to critical viral data.  GISAID has established a highly effective, trusted and time-tested model for influenza data sharing that could serve as an important model for other viral families

    Global Health Security
    US Agency for International Development (USAID)

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    Dr med Wenqing Zhang
    World Health Organization
    Global Influenza Programme

  • The GISAID Initiative was established to champion (and enhance) rapid sequence data sharing for seasonal and pandemic influenza preparedness - a global public health imperative. GISAID’s success exceeded our expectations and provides an important model for rapid data sharing for other pathogens with pandemic potential

    WHO Collaborating Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control of Influenza
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ret)

  • Not all big ideas become a reality and not all big ideas fill a global need. As a public-private partnership GISAID is a model for data sharing in the digital age. On its 10th anniversary we may look back at the initial inspiration and the headline of the supporting editorial in Nature that puts the point succinctly: Sharing saves lives

    Dr med Bruce G. Gellin
    Global Immunization, President
    Sabin Vaccine Institute

  • ECDC congratulates GISAID for a successful 10 years of advocating for and implementing sharing of influenza sequence data. The initiative plays a key role in global and European pandemic preparedness and increases our understanding of the annual influenza seasons

    European Centre for Disease
    Prevention and Control (ECDC)

  • GISAID has advanced influenza virus data sharing to a new level, greatly contributing to the global effort to detect, respond, and mitigate seasonal and pandemic influenza

    Prof. Dr med Peter Jay Hotez
    Baylor College of Medicine, Dean
    National School Tropical Medicine

  • I congratulate the GISAID Initiative on its ten-year anniversary as it continues its important work to promote the international sharing of influenza virus sequences and data

    Ambassador John E. Lange
    U.S. Department of State (ret)
    United Nations Foundation

  • Over the past decade, GISAID has been an invaluable global partner in fostering open access to data related to influenza, a central issue related to influenza and all EIDs

    Prof. Dr med Keiji Fukuda
    The University of Hong Kong
    School of Public Health

  • GISAID encourages increased collection and rapid dissemination of data that improves our understanding of the complex and dynamic epidemiology of influenza viruses. On behalf of OFFLU network, we offer our congratulations on the contribution GISAID has made to build international collaboration over the last 10 years

    Dr Peter Daniels
    Dr David Swayne

    OFFLU OIE/FAO Network of
    Expertise on Animal Influenza

  • The pioneering concept of transparent data sharing developed GISAID into the premier source of influenza virus sequence information and proven its worth in outbreak situations

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    Federal Research Institute
    for Animal Health, Germany

  • Ten years after GISAID first introduced its game-changing mechanism, breaking data sharing barriers, it continues to be a most trusted leader in pandemic preparedness & response

    Prof. Dr Yuelong Shu
    Sun Yat-sen University, Dean
    School of Public Health, Shenzhen

  • GISAID has become the most complete public database for influenza virus sequence data in support of fundamental science and public and animal health applications

    Prof. Dr Ron Fouchier
    Erasmus MC Rotterdam
    Viroscience & Nat'l Influenza Cntr

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    Prof. Dr Yoshihiro Kawaoka
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    University of Tokyo

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    Prof. Dr Richard Neher
    University of Basel, Biozentrum
    Computational Modeling 

  • From the latest seasonal to new zoonotic and animal influenza viruses, GISAID always has the most relevant strains and exciting new analysis tools

    Agency for Science, Technology
    and Research A*STAR Singapore

  • Open and rapid data sharing through GISAID has enabled evolutionary analysis of influenza at large-scale and in near real-time

    Dr Trevor Bedford
    Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
    Vaccine & Infectious Disease Div.



GISAID Resources


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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers about the GISAID Initiative
'public vs. anonymous data sharing'

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Upload your genetic sequences and share data in a responsible manner


Improve your skills with guided lessons of the EpiFlu™ database



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